Video: Young Adult Service Corps volunteers prepare for service in the world

Posted Nov 3, 2016

[Episcopal Church Office of Communication] Young adults (21-30 years old) prepare to embark on a year in service that will transform their own lives while engaging mission and ministry in the Anglican Communion through the Young Adult Service Corps.

Applications are open for 2017-2018 placements in the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC), with additional information and instructions available here. The application deadline is Jan. 6, 2017.

Currently, YASCers are serving throughout the Anglican Communion, working alongside partners in administration, agriculture, communication, development and education. Among possible placements for 2017-2018 are Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, France, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Japan, Jerusalem, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan and Tanzania.

“The Young Adult Service Corps offers young adults the opportunity to live out their faith in new ways and different contexts,” said Elizabeth Boe, global networking officer for the Episcopal Church. “They commit to spending a year learning from and working, living, and praying with other Episcopal and Anglican communities around the world.”

For more information contact Grace Flint, Episcopal Church staff officer for YASC programming, at
